Infancy & Childhood

Paediatric Osteopathy

It is a common misconception that babies have no stresses or strains within their bodies.  In fact they have generally just undergone one of the most challenging events that they will ever experience during their lives in their short but often eventful journey into the world. The forces of labour meeting the resistance of the pelvic floor with the baby in between can produce some very significant shearing and compressive forces. These impact particularly between and within the bones of the skull and the upper neck, often resulting in significant asymmetries and other unusual head shapes. Sometimes when extreme this is given the name plagiocephaly. Much of this is reduced in the first few days as the baby cries, suckles and yawns. However this unmolding process is often incomplete. This is most often the case if the forces of labour have been prolonged, severe or instruments were used such as in a forceps or ventouse [suction cap] delivery.   

The health effects of all this are many and varied. For a series of anatomical and physiological reasons it can result in a frequently crying baby who does not sleep. Colic can be a manifestation, as can feeding difficulties and poor weight gain. Sometimes there is an obviously blocked nose and the child can only breathe through the mouth, leading to an increased likelihood of dental overcrowding and orthodontic work later on.  From about age two recurrent infections such as tonsillitis, bronchitis and chronic otitis media [glue ear] often develop. Sometimes this is in tandem with behavioural problems such as ADHD [hyperactivity], excessive temper tantrums and poor socialising. Also any child with learning difficulties will almost always be significantly be helped by Cranial Osteopathic treatment. For example dyslexia and poor concentration at school often have a birth strain at their root cause.

Having read the above one might think that after effects of birth are the be-all and end-all of Osteopathic work at this stage. This is not at all the case. Falls, emotional shocks and illnesses during pregnancy can all lead to less than desirable effects on the developing foetus that are palpable and treatable using the cranial mechanism. After the child’s arrival there are autoimmune shocks from vaccinations and head knocks from falls during toddlerhood to be treated for example.

In short every newborn should have a check up with an experienced Cranial Osteopath and most children will benefit from a three or six monthly checkup depending on the age. There is no such thing as too early to treat. During the first 6 weeks of life is ideal.  The work is exceptionally gentle and completely safe.  In this early phase often it is preventative rather than curative, this obviously being the best way of doing things. Better still is good preparation for labour with Osteopathic treatment during pregnancy. During this time there are many profound anatomical and physiological changes to the mother’s body, often causing significant challenges. Osteopathic treatment has much to offer during what should be a wonderful period of joyful anticipation.