As mentioned in the description of treatments section, osteopathy is much more than a collection of techniques. It is a system of medicine based on the mechanics of the body. Mechanics not just in terms of a system of pumps, pulleys and pipes. Mechanics of sometimes profoundly subtle tissue quality information that a trained pair of hands can elicit and work with to the patients benefit.
Therefore there are many conditions amenable to treatment that one would not immediately think to consult an Osteopath for. These include autoimmune problems, digestive disorders, women’s menstrual health [period pain, PMT, water retention], ME, asthma and hypertension. This list is not, and could not, be conclusive. It is given as a suggestion of breadth of approach only. Treatment as prevention is also uniquely useful and effective: it is not necessary to be experiencing symptoms to derive benefit from a consultation with an experienced Cranial Osteopath. This applies in particular when ill health is nebulous and poorly defined. Or perhaps just sub-optimal: athletes and other performers seeking that extra edge can receive notable benefit.
No modality is failure proof. However having said this I have experienced many suprising and helpful insights into the inner workings of my patients bodies whilst using Cranial Osteopathic techniques. These have then allowed me to help initiate healing changes when neither myself, nor my patients, were expecting them.
This can be rather wonderful for all concerned.