The clue to this picture is in the top right corner. Never mind the garish colour scheme, look at the shape and note the rounded off concrete at the top. It is on a wall approximately twelve feet high. This…

The Rule of the Artery – Part 2
Since writing this article I have attended the follow up Rule of the Artery course in October this year. This time Anthony is not in attendance but there is another interesting personal connection. Our director this time is Maxwell Fravel.…

Uphill Blizzard Trudge
A couple of years ago I went ski touring with my Czech friend Gabriel. I had never done this before. The picture is of one of the many climbs. Visible is Gabriel and four of the group of six French…

The Super Shed
As you can see from the picture, the back of my North Tottenham garden used to be not particularly prepossessing. Some fox-prowled derelict space on the left and a very careworn leaky shed on the right. However there were always…

The Rule of the artery – Part 1
“The Rule of the Artery is Supreme” is a quote from our founding father Dr.Still and one of the basic tenets of Osteopathy. In brief it means that if there is not a good blood supply and exchange of fluids…

Live forever? Not on your nelly…
I can remember my garrulous dad commenting on the difference between doctors and engineers. The latter included him, my uncle Sir Alan, my brother and my brother-in-law: all the men in my family apart from black sheep me. His oft…

Here we go! Blog creaks back into action…
Right then. No time like the present… I am sitting here gazing out on a beautiful spring day. The trouble is, I will not be able to enjoy it when I do get outside in a few minutes. Or at…

Gout, gout, and more gout…
The chap concerned came to see me via my herbalist friend some months ago. 50ish, reasonably healthy otherwise, not with any dreadful lifestyle habits to make one think that he was setting himself up for problems. Just trying to make…

Soldier Blog
No, this is not coming from the official Army-embedded Osteopath in some god-forsaken part of Afganistan. It’s just that soldiers often make for interesting patients. It’s a combination of factors. Extreme fitness, extreme injuries, and extreme experiences all make for…